Welcome to Fruitworks Ministries!


  • Embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment through meaningful discussions and reflections on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Let's grow in faith and understanding together.

  • Experience the power of spiritual guidance and counseling as we walk alongside you on your path to healing and restoration. Let's find strength and hope in the love of our Savior.

  • Teaching and Encouragement

Join a Bible study today!

Welcome to Fruitworks Ministries - where we offer personalized discipleship and Holy Spirit counseling. Embrace the journey of faith with us!

Get to know us better

So, here’s the deal – we’re all about spreading the good word, helping you find your way, and just being there for you. Whether it’s one-on-one studies or a group session, whether you need some guidance or just a friendly chat, we’re here to listen and guide you on your journey.


Get in touch

Let's chat about diving into the word and growing in our faith together. And don't worry, I promise to be a good listener!